David Aparicio

David Aparicio




Passionate engineer in Computer Science, graduated INSA Lyon 2014, after two years spent at UNICAMP in Brazil, actively participates in the community, through Meetups and conferences.

His motto: “No developer is supposed to ignore security”.

Download my resume.

  • Distributed Systems & Algorithms
  • Big Data & Artificial Intelligence
  • Cyber-Security
  • MSc in Computer Science, 2014

    INSA Lyon / France

  • MEng in Computer Engineering, 2014

    UNICAMP / Brazil


Cloud Native
Big Data


Jul 2019 – Present Lyon

Hortonworks datalake on OpenStack (Public Cloud), Replication agent from Mesos Marathon to Kubernetes, Legacy infrastructure migration, ITIL Change management, Industrialization

Conference speaker:

  • DevoxxFR/SophiaConf/Mix-IT/CloudSud/SnowCamp/TouraineTech 22
  • RivieraDev/CloudNord/CloudEst 2021
  • JUG SummerCamp 2020/2021
AMADEUS / Altran
DevOps consultant
May 2017 – Jun 2019 Nice (Sophia-Antipolis)
BigData MapR deployment platform on hybrid clouds with CI/CD workflows and Terraform/Vault, following Twelve factor & ITIL principles. Migration from Puppet to Ansible, and MapR 3 to 5
INSA de Lyon (L.I.R.I.S. CNRS)
PhD Fast,Verifiable,Secure compute for decentralized systems
Sep 2014 – Apr 2017 Lyon (La Doua)

Real-time Multi-cloud sentiment analysis of 1.78 Billion tweets (48h) during Trump-Clinton debates with auto-scaling (Vert.X/Kubernetes/AWS/GCP/Azure)

6th/7th BIU Winter School, Cryptography on the Cloud/Differential Privacy, Tel Aviv/Israel

Recent Posts

Recent & Upcoming Talks

Darling, I've got "Blinky" our Prod
Let’s Blink into production
Darling, I've got "Blinky" our Prod
Return of the DevSecOps workshop
DevSecOps, step by step
Return of the DevSecOps workshop
Install party, Workshop Security
DevSecOps, step by step
Install party, Workshop Security
WS Security, THE Install Party 🎉
DevSecOps, step by step
WS Security, THE Install Party 🎉


Kubernetes Advanced (M3/M4/M5)
Kubernetes is everywhere. This training enables mastery of application packaging using Helm, Kustomize, YTT and GitOps tools like Flux or ArgoCD (3 days). After we performed a deep dive on Kubernetes by bootstraping the cluster in the hard way without scripts as kubeadm or kubespray (3 days). Finally, we review all network policies, security aspects, CRD, Operators, quotas, autoscaling, PV/PVC, Failovers, Finalizers and resource management in order to design our own operator (4 days).
Training GCP Fundamentals Core Infrastructure + Big Data & ML (GCP100B)
May 2021: Introduces you to important concepts, terminology for working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and compare all computing/storage services available: App/Compute/Container Engine (1 day) June 2022: Introduction to Big Data and Machine Learning on GCP, through 4 labs on Qwiklabs (1 day)
Go Advanced training
Golang seduces people by its simplicity, its native competition features, its versatility, its stability, its performance. You will learn techniques to improve your code in terms of correctness, maintainability, testability, performance and security (3 days) After this training, I read ‘Cloud Native Go’ by O’Reilly. It shows you how to use Go’s strengths to develop cloud native services that are scalable and resilient, even in an unpredictable environment.
Foundation for eBPF
eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter) is a revolutionary Linux technology that can run sandboxed programs in an OS kernel to safely and efficiently extend the capabilities of the kernel without requiring changes to kernel source code or load kernel modules (2h)
Foundation for Istio
Istio is the most popular service mesh deployed into production across the cloud-native ecosystem. It provides the foundational pieces to implement zero-trust networking, get deeper observability into a distributed system, and smart routing control for safer software releases. This certification validates that you possess the introductory skills, to install, secure services and interservices communication into the Mesh, control traffic, resiliency and implement Chaos Testing (2h30)
RedHat Automation with Ansible I training (DO407)
Designed for system administrators who are intending to use Ansible for automation, configuration, and management. You will learn how to install and configure Ansible, create and run playbooks to configure systems, and learn to manage inventories (4 days)
MapR Cluster Administration ADM2000 training (MCCA 5.1)
Certifies technical knowledge, skill, and ability to configure, deploy, maintain, and secure a Hadoop cluster. This training covers the architecture of a cluster including preparing the nodes, data ingestion, disaster recovery (DRP), availability, management and monitoring (3 days)
